
This symposium was successfully closed with 130 participants.
We sincerely thank all the participants, collaborators and contributors.

はじめに Introduction

脳科学クラスター国際シンポジウム「徳島とイタリアをつなぐ脳科学研究の潮流? Current Trends in Brain Science Research Connecting Italy And Tokushima」を開催します。




Current Trends in Brain Science Research Connecting Italy And Tokushima
(International Symposium of Brain Science Cluster in Tokushima University)

La ricerca scientifica sul cervello che collega l'Italia e Tokushima

Brain science cluster in Tokushima University has been successfully facilitating inter-department education and research related to brain science in our School for over 6 years.
In this year 2016 with cerebrating 150 years diplomatic relationship between Italy and Japan, we are planning to have an international symposium entitled "Current Trends in Brain Science Research Connecting Italy And Tokushima" on the afternoon of July 9th. In our School, some faculty members engaging in brain science research have stable connection with multiple Universities and Research Institute in Italy. Collaborating with Italian Embassy in Tokyo, we invite two researchers from Milan and Florence. This symposium is aimed to introduce our collaborative and leading studies in the field of brain science to the Tokushima community in addition to stimulate especially young professionals/researchers/students academically in medical area.
The official languages of this symposium are English and Japanese.

開催日時?会場?連絡先 Information

2016年7月9日(土)12:30 - 18:00, Saturday, 9th July, 2016
徳島大学?長井記念ホール(蔵本キャンパス)Tokushima University, Nagai Memorial Hall
事務局:笠原 二郎(徳島大学?大学院医歯薬学研究部/薬科学教育部?神経病態解析学分野)
Tel. 088-633-7278 Fax. 088-633-9512 E-mail:awajiro"at"(@以降はtokushima-u.ac.jp)

プログラム Academic Program of Lectures

12:30-12:45 開会挨拶 永廣 信治(徳島大学)ほか
12:45-13:30 (1) マウリツィオ ポポリ(ミラノ大学)
13:30-14:15 (2) 笠原 二郎(徳島大学)
14:15-14:30 休憩
14:30-15:15 (3) パトリツィオ ブランディーナ(フィレンツェ大学)
15:15-16:00 (4) 梅原 隼人(新潟大学)
16:00-16:15 休憩
16:15-17:00 (5) 辻 大輔(徳島大学?ナポリ TIGEM)
17:00-17:45 (6) 大下 直樹(社会福祉士?徳島大学非常勤講師)
17:45-18:00 閉会挨拶 福井 清(徳島大学)


12:30-12:45 Opening remarks: Shinji Nagahiro (Tokushima Univ), and other guests
12:45-13:30 (1) Maurizio Popoli (Univ. Milano)
Acute stress is not just acute: short- and long-term outcome in neural plasticity
13:30-14:15 (2) Jiro Kasahara (Tokushima Univ.)
Poststroke depression and hippocampal neurodegeneration
14:15-14:30 Break
14:30-15:15 (3) Patrizio Blandina (Univ. Firenze)
The role of brain histamine in emotional learning and memory
15:15-16:00 (4) Hayato Umehara (Niigata Univ.)
The role of neuronal histamine in the regulation of feeding behavior/Viaggio Academica da Tokushima a Firenze
16:00-16:15 Break
16:15-17:00 (5) Daisuke Tsuji (Tokushima Univ., TIGEM Napoli)
Autophagy signaling in brain affected with lysosomal storage disorders
17:00-17:45 (6) Naoki Ohshita (Certified Social Worker, Tokushima Univ.)
Current situation and issues of the Japanese system for mental health and welfare: what we learn from Italy now
17:45-18:00 Closing remark: Kiyoshi Fukui (Tokushima Univ.)

単位付与情報 Academic Credits Info.

  • 日本医師会生涯教育認定単位(5.5 単位)
    カリキュラムコード 5, 6, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 69, 70, 72, 78
  • 日本薬剤師研修センター研修認定単位(3 単位)
  • 日本病院薬剤師会生涯研修認定単位(2 単位)
  • 徳島大学薬学部能動学習単位(最大 3 ポイント)

関連資料 Downloadable Files

講演要旨集/Abstracts (13MB)
Poster-English, low resolution(269KB)

主催?共催/連携 Organizers

主催:徳島大学脳科学クラスター(代表?永廣 信治)
共催/連携:在日イタリア大使館、徳島県医師会、徳島県薬剤師会、徳島県病院薬剤師会、徳島大学臨床薬剤師交流ネットワーク (TPN)、日本薬学会中国四国支部会

Organized by Brain Science Cluster in Tokushima Univ.
Cooperated with: Italian Embassy in Japan; Tokushima Medical Association; Tokushima Pharmaceutical Association; Tokushima Association of Hospital Pharmacists; Tokushima Univ. Clinical Pharmacist Network (TPN); Chugoku-Shikoku Branch, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.



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